So, as you probaby know, my website has been down for quite some time, now. Fact is, I've now deleted it. This blogger page will be my permanent "website" for updates and everything. My website was basically an update page, like a blog, anyways. I'll try to get this theme to actually look good. :/
In regards to filming, which is what you really want to hear, I have switched to Mac for 70% of films, now. What I mean by that is, I capture frames on Windows and do a little image tweeking/editing on there (30%), then do all the intensive editing on Mac OS (70%). It took longer than it should have to get it all running properly.
The physical studio is a mess and rather uncomfortable, but I won't go into details. I have not been working an anything in the past half a year, except for computer crap that you wouldn't care to see. I have promised myself to get right back into the swing of animating, and I've promised you guys I'd get back into the swing, so I can't stop now. Expect a film in under 1 months time.
See you starside.